Promoting Well-Being in Dentistry
Mental Health and Well-Being in the Dental Workplace (FDI) (Toolkit)
Joy in Medicine 2023 Program Guidelines (Wellness program)The State of Well-Being in Dentistry
2021 Dentist Well-Being Survey Report (ADA) (Survey/Report)Making Plans for Workplace Well-Being
Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being (Planning Guide)
Well Workplace Mental Health Toolkit (Toolkit)
Bad for Business: The Business Case for Overcoming Mental Illness Stigma in the Workplace (Report)
Worker Well-Being Questionnaire (WellBQ) and Resources for Action (CDC NIOSH Questionnaire and Resources)Getting and Giving Support
Helping a Depressed Colleague (Article/Handout)
Dentist Well-Being Program Directory (PDF Directory)
5 Things You Should Know About Stress (Infographic/Handout) -
Stress and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 Induced Stress Among Dentists Affecting Pediatric Cooperation and Altered Treatment of Choice (Research Article)
Dental Faculty Well-Being Amid COVID-19 in Fall 2020: A Multisite Measure of Burnout, Loneliness, and Resilience (Research Article)
US Dental Health Care Workers' Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Research Article) -
Work-Life Balance is a Cycle, Not an Achievement (Magazine Article)
Burnout Assessment Tools
Dental Burnout Assessment (ADA) (Tool)
A Simple Screening Tool for Occupational Burnout Among Dentists (Research Article/Tool)Interventions to Prevent Burnout
Controlled Interventions to Reduce Burnout in Physicians (Research Article)
The Ultimate Workplace Mental Health Toolkit (Toolkit)How Burnout Affects Clinicians
Burnout Among Health Care Professionals: A Call to Explore and Address This Underrecognized Threat to Safe, High-Quality Care (Report)
Work-Life Balance for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (Research Article)Perfectionism Related to Burnout
Managing Burnout and Perfectionism in Dentistry (Magazine Article)Podcasts
The Burnout Episode (ADA) (Podcast)
DocWorking 160: Returning Joy to the Practice of Medicine with Diane Shannon, MD (Podcast)
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris #436: Brene Brown Says You’re Doing Your Feelings Wrong (Podcast) -
Resiliency Tips for Dentists and Dental Students
How Can Dentists Develop Emotional Resilience in a World Full of Stress?: Practical Strategies from Psychology, Public Health, and Neuroscience (Webinar Slides)
Free Virtual Mindfulness Sessions from the Center for Mindfulness and the Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion (Web Resource)
Self-Care Tips (Web Resource)
Impact of Grit, Resilience and Stress Levels on Burnout and Well-Being of Dental Students (Research Paper)Resiliency Strategies for Workplaces
Framework for Improving Joy in Work (White Paper/Planning Guide)
Psychological PPE:: Promoting Health Care Workforce Mental Health and Well-Being (Document/Planning Guide)Mindfulness and Self-Care Apps
PsyberGuide: Apps and Digital Health Resources Reviewed by Experts (Web Resource and App Library)
Heroes Health Initiative (Web Resource)
Headspace Mindfulness App (Web Resource and App) PeerRxMed (Web-Based Program) -
Difficult Clinical Situations, Patient Anxiety, Workload, Workplace Safety
Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2022: Stress, Anxiety, and Anger (Report)
Mistreatment Experiences, Protective Workplace Systems (Research Article)
Adverse Events During Dental Care for Children: Implications for Practitioner Health and Wellness (Research Article)
Impact of COVID-19 on the Healthcare Labor Market in the United States: Lower Paid Workers Experienced Higher Vulnerability and Slower Recovery (Research Article)